

Screenshot 2015-08-23 19.00.15

Dear Dr. Sands:

Thank you so much for taking the time to study this event. An event that has so much bearing on the lives of all young athletes. Your description of the event, the probabilities for flight change, and the possibilities for physical aid are accurate and descriptive beyond measure.
I want it to be known: I held this video for several reasons. The first being: I would never allow this graphic accident to be used for monetary gain…period. Secondly, I would never allow it to be used in a way that Sang Lan herself would relive this horrible tragedy over and over. (Comparable to the ABC Wide World of Sports introduction.) Lastly, I feared litigation. I wanted it available in case the true story of this event needed to be witnessed in open court.
I also held it from her supposed friends, family, and attorneys. I would not give it to anyone except to her alone, face to face.
I knew this young woman. I speak her home dialect of Chinese and had conversed with her many times. She was a happy go lucky young woman. Full of life and zeal. I witnessed the event, and witnessed the aftermath. I hope and pray that this is the start of some measure of change for the future, and for Sang Lan herself.






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